4 Foods For a Supercharge Fruit Juice Diet

Watermelon as a fruit and its associated sweet taste has long lured women who seek to lose weight. As a natural fruit, watermelon is very easy to prepare, easy to store and comes in many forms-ananas, purees, jellies, milkshakes and even watermelon wine. When combined with a range of delicious fruits such as the grapefruit, orange and pineapple, watermelon weight loss diet plan has proven quite effective and can help in your weight loss endeavor. Here are some of the watermelon weight loss benefits:

o If you combine watermelon with other low-calorie fruits, it can help in increasing your metabolism and thus assist in your weight loss efforts. A good quality watermelon is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are absolutely vital for good health and hence aid in burning fat. Get in shape with this free HD wallpaper by admin. Download here

o Weight loss smoothie is loaded with vitamins that are extremely essential for good health. For instance, vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits is extremely effective in fighting obesity and maintaining a healthy body weight. In fact, studies have indicated that if you increase the level of vitamin C in your daily diet, it will take around 10 years for the initial weight loss to show. Watermelon has about 30 times more vitamin C than oranges or grapes. So, it makes sense to eat lots of watermelon to get the best results when you try to lose weight using any method. This is one of the watermelon weight loss benefits that is readily apparent.

o If you are trying to lose weight, it is advisable to avoid any vitamin c products. Although vitamin c is considered to be a good source of this nutrient, it can actually be quite toxic to the system. This is because vitamin c produces acid, which can harm the liver and kidneys. If you are on any type of medication, it is advised not to take any vitamin c products. This is because vitamin c can interact adversely with some medications and may cause a fatal condition. The watermelon and orange juice benefits notwithstanding, it is always better to stick to natural sources of vitamin c such as organically grown produce.

o Watermelon is rich in vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that damage your cells and cause them to degenerate. They do this by damaging the membranes and the genes. Your cells lose their ability to function properly and this leads to an overall reduction in your metabolism and hence the inability to burn fat or lose weight. The watermelon and orange juice benefits notwithstanding, it is in your best interests not to eat less of this fruit.

o Even if you have opted to eat less of the fruit, you should remember to include a handful of the orange juice in your daily diet. This serves two purposes. First, the vitamins found in the fruit help you to get rid of toxins that have built up inside your body. Second, the high amount of water in the orange juice helps to hydrate your body, making you feel full and thus eat less of the other foods with calories.

o Watermelon is a diuretic, which means that it makes you urinate more often. If you combine watermelon with its nutrients, you will definitely find yourself drinking more water to quench your thirst. This combination will also make you work harder for eliminating toxins through sweat. In order to maximize the diuretic properties of watermelon, you should eat the seeds only. This is because the seeds can retain several times their volume of water even when you eat them whole.

o Besides watermelon, chia seeds are an excellent source of soluble fiber. This is a component of many health foods such as yogurt and also contains calories that are good for you. Therefore, adding yogurt to your daily diet is a good idea to help you reach your weight loss goals. To add the added benefit of added cholesterol and fiber, you may consider eating yogurt with fruit on the side.
